More Challenging than filming Bigfoot?
24 pieces associated with the Paranormal, Occult, or Mystical are included in this artistic, challenging, and fun puzzle.
At least 5 different quarter-inch thick hardwoods are used.
Each Puzzle will be a little different as we vary the woods used.
Items in the puzzle include a Voodoo doll, crystal, chalice, moth, feather, mushroom, haunted house,
K-II EMF meter, a dowsing rod, alien, spaceship, tombstone, candle, potion, Area 51 sign, Bigfoot, chupacabra, Tarot Cards,
Quija board piece, Bible, Crystal ball, and more.
Can be personalized with a name or brief message for a small added fee.
Made in our Hudson, FL woodshop. Artwork by Anjali Rani.
Copyright 2021 Creative Crafthouse
Level of Difficulty: level 4